Sunday, January 10, 2010

Third Language Support

I've tried to recover French language as the third one and other two languages, Chinese and Japanese (Korean maybe instead ^^). The problem does not happen for French as the symbol like "Accent" has been set up already in international Microsoft Programme. For asian languages, which do not use the same base or quite obvious difference, there is able to read on many machines but some of them can't do so unless install those fonts.
Another problem of lanugae learners is typing in different langauges. Mostly computers are support only two types such as Enhliag and Thai (as it's my mother language). If user needs to use other letter fonts like Chinese, Japanese, etc., user has to set one lanugage instead of English (for non-english people and some user who quite not use English as much as another one).
Future Computer or digital machine might be able to set up more than one languages.

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